

© vision2BE
Software Developing
Currently the market offers a variety of technically mature hardware products i. e. handheld computers, touch screens, PDAs and other products which may work by analyzing speech, handwriting etc. Additional features like 3D animation, virtual reality, wireless (web) applications are also being used. But all these latest gadgets work with the conventional "Windows" software logic.
This is where vision2BE comes in.
New instinctively usable software applications will utilize existing hardware but create a new experience for the analog inclined person working digitally.
Companies are using various types of software for managing their business like customer relations (CRM), back-office duties, accounting, financial planning etc. Often various types of software from different suppliers are being used which may not even be able to communicate with each other. Usually there are additional problems with high cost of installation, training, service and incompatibility.
vision2BE makes use of the existing software systems by adding an instinctively usable interface which has been finely tuned to the necessities of the user. Operating the software will be simplified and access to a data warehouse can be created which is being fed by the different programs using vision2BE´s new software. Existing know-how within the user company can still be used but efficiency of the integrated software system is much higher.
Most software programs use standardized help systems. This is usually based on rich text fonts which can be accessed with different tools. The problem lies in the help system's complex structure and bad arrangement so that working with it is very difficult. The same questions are asked by different users.
Since the required information is usually available vision2BE will create a help management system, which can be used instinctively and which is able to learn. Help systems of existing software programs are incorporated.
Multimedia features including 3D and virtual reality will be added to the available help content to enhance ease of use. Working browserbased means that all users have access to the central knowledge database which compares questions asked with previous requests. The cost of training and service can be reduced drastically.